My Erdös number is 5.
You can reach me eric.rubiel@u.northwestern.edu
2023 : I joined Pusan National University as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Finance-Fishery-Manufacture industrial mathematics center on Big Data.
I have a PhD in Mathematics from Northwestern University, and worked as an Postdoctoral Associate at Florida State University working in Machine Learning from January 2018 until June 2019.
I worked at NewSci Labs from July 2019 to July 2021. There, I develop machine learning technologies using Google Cloud Platform with Pytorch. I use my analytic skills to optimize NewSci's ML products and create new algorithms to work with images. I have experience creating custom GANs and CNN. You can learn more at my LinkedIn page.
2021-2023 : I worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Yonsei University studying the operad of finite posets.
Chicago-based artist Justus Harris and I won first place at Adaption 2017 in the category “Art + Data”. Adaptation is an EU commission-funded competition and exhibit that highlights the potential of the “Internet of things”. We exhibited our work in Berlin, Germany. Adaptation, Fountains