Tips on Big Data (images)

Advices to run computations on big image data

Animations of Yonsei's Eagle Statue generated by a GAN algorithm.

Most python tutorials explain that if you need to create a list, list comprehensions are faster than for loops.

                  import timeit

                  s='''iterations = 100
                  newlist = []
                  for i in range(iterations):

Compared with

                  s2='''iterations = 100
                  newlist = [i+1 for i in range(iterations)]'''

Now, assume that the objects on the list are all possible combinations of two processes on images
(perhaps this is a grid search for optimal parameters). Let's say

                 def P(X,a):
                 #X is the image
                 #a is a parameter to test

                 def Q(Y,b):
                 #Y is the output of P(X,a)
                 #b is a parameter to test
                 X = some image
                 values = [Q(P(X,a),b) for a in P_parameters for b in Q_parameters]

Note that you compute 'P(X,a)' several times.
You may assume that the speed improvement of the list comprehension is worth repeating a computation, but in the following example,
we see that there is not even a speed improvement:

                import timeit
                from PIL import Image
                img = Image.effect_noise((128,128), 64)
                base_img = Image.effect_noise((128,128), 32)
                base2_img = Image.effect_noise((128,128), 128)
                for value in range(100):
                imgt = Image.blend(img, base_img, value/110)
                for value2 in range(100):
                        endvalue = Image.blend(imgt, base2_img, value2/110)

                from PIL import Image
                img = Image.effect_noise((128,128), 64)
                base_img = Image.effect_noise((128,128), 32)
                base2_img = Image.effect_noise((128,128), 128)
                otherlist = [Image.blend(Image.blend(img, base_img, value/110), base2_img, value2/110) for value in range(100) for value2 in range(100) ]'''

                timeit.timeit(stmt=s, number=10)

                timeit.timeit(stmt=s2, number=10)

This is an abstract example, but in Machine Learning/Computer Vision you may have a similar process with other operations such as rotation or resizing.

Here is another example of optimization, this one is from Python Performance tips.

                   newlist = []
                   for word in oldlist:

"Suppose you can't use map or a list comprehension? You may be stuck with the for loop.
The for loop example has another inefficiency. Both newlist.append and word.upper are function references that are reevaluated each time through the loop."

you should write instead:

                  upper = str.upper
                  newlist = []
                  append = newlist.append
                  for word in oldlist:

The list of Performance tips also recommends using local variables:

"If the above loop is cast as a function, append and upper become local variables. Python accesses local variables much more efficiently than global variables."
So the version with local variables is

                  def func(oldlist):
                  upper = str.upper
                  newlist = []
                  append = newlist.append
                  for word in oldlist:
                      return newlist

but in my computer that didn't improve the speed.

I received some emails questioning the validity of those optimizations.

First of all, the author of the Python performance tips suggest that we should always make test with our specific version of Python.
I compared the previous blocks of code in my laptop, by plotting the number of words in oldlist vs time. Here are my results:

In this case, avoiding dots seems to be a good idea when working with big data, but you should make your own test.

Another piece of advice is to learn about Threads and Multiprocess. Sometimes a simple:

                import threading
                import concurrent.futures

                n=#virtual cpus

                with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=n) as executor:
          , some_list_of_inputs) 

will suffice.
You can find other advices, such as profiling, in this link of Performance tips.